ALLEY March 2nd, 2003 - Beautiful Day for Racing!
The turnout was pretty good. There were a few regulars missing - like
Woolfolk, Matt Smith and Hunt.
Chacon, of Dell City, brought out his new rear engine dragster. Eddie
has been running his 12 Second Chevelle in Modified for many years and
although he usually went a couple rounds, he never could pick up a first
place. Well, things change - Eddie picked up a rear engine dragster last
year and spent the winter redoing it to fit his specs. It paid off big
time! Eddie won the very first race out in the new dragster. He met up
with his brother David Chacon in his extremely detailed Chevelle in the
Finals. It was a Chacon Brother vs. Brother Final! Technically he won
this race in both cars since he won the first 3 rounds in his 12 second
Chevelle last month. Eddie Chacon gets all the points and the win for
rescheduled Febuary race.
Alvardo (El Paso) broke his 57 Chevy on the Saturday Test and Tune
before the race. Well, it just so happens that Joe has a cousin with an
extra car - you might know him, his name is Ernie Mijares! Joe talked
Ernie into lettting him run the Camaro so he could pick up his points
and finish off the Febuary race.
I'm sure Ernie was not expecting Joe to put his son JR out in thier own
car! Drag Racing is Unpredictable!
Graham has announced his new Contingency Program. If you run his Hot
Rod Connection Decal on the front fender of your car he will pay $100
if you win Pro or $50 if you win Modified. Joe Alvarado had the decal
- so he got the 100 Bucks! Billy offered me the decal, but since we use
the Buck as a dailly driver declined. I also thought "What are
the chances I'll win anyway?"
bright yellow West Texas Trucking Nova of Ray Villereal picked up the
win for the rescheduled Febuary race. Ray always has one of the biggest
crews out at the races. It's a family affair.
MARTIN RACING KICKED ASS! (Man, I've always wanted to put that on
the web site!)
was Father/Son Modified Final, my dad and I made it through the 4 rounds
without losing and without racing eachother! It turned out to be my very
first win in Mod. ROBERT MARTIN WINS MODIFEID! (doesn't that sound
Martin (aka dad to yours truly) Has not raced in almost 2 years now. Well
he finally decided to try out his street toy - a 91 GT Mustang. This was
the first time out in the car. My dad has a record of winning in his first
time out with a new car - including the old Fairlane and my Mustang.
was having problems with it taking a long time to start and in the finals
it didn't look like it was going to fire up. It did, but ran 3 tenths
off the dial.
The Motorcycle
guys had 8 bikes out their and ran their own class. Let me know who won
so I can the results up here.
was good... well maybe too good.

for the lack of pictures, this was a different camera I borrowed (thanks
Geno Leyba!) and I filled the memory card up before the finals and had
to quickly delete pics I took to make room. I missed some good cars..
including John Walls new Camaro which was very wicked looking by the way.
