thanks to Todd Ryden
you see the big moon hubcaps the first thing that comes to most hot
rodders minds is Bonneville. Todd made it to the big once a year Bonneville
Nationals on the Salt flats and snapped a few pics for his FREE-lance
work here at SWD.

that looks like fun!!!

Camaro... looks ready for top end!

Rod Magazine Editor David Freburger was running this Camaro in an attemt
to become a member of the Bonneville 200 MPH Club. Simply running 200
MPH is not enough to be get into the club - you also have to break a
record in your class at the same time!

Camaro was set up with a small block and a Blow-Thru Supercharged set
up with the Vortech carb enclosure and supercharger.

MPH!!! Beat the record, got in the club!
Watch out for an upcoming issue of Hot Rod for the whole story.

Cal Speed - check out there site socal
The coolest Hot Rod stuff!
