Arroyo Seco 2 Dat Race Results
Pro Win Saturday and Sunday
Pat Muller, Silver City, NM

Mod Win Saturday and Sunday
Chris Bustamante, Sunland Park, NM
Saturday Win Bobby Yarbrough, El Paso
Sunday Win Brian Schuetta, El Paso
Saturday Win Walter Andrews, El Paso
Sunday Win Bion Bell, El Paso
Spring Fling Bracket Bash by Ben de la Vega
The weekend of May 16th was a weekend of celebration. What with all of the graduation ceremonies going on in the area it was an automatic festive atmosphere.
Saturday started off a little on the windy side, but thanks to Roger's meteorologist buddy at White Sands, all minds were at ease as to the improving weather conditions.
Time trials were started at about 10am with over 50 cars on the premisis. Such notable passes were when the Brown Brothers brought out their blown alchohol Texas T A/altered and proceded to take out the 1/4 mile and et blocks at the top end at a whopping 56 miles per hour! Then there was the beautiful 65' Sunbeam Tiger powered by a Ford 302. During it's first pass, it was immediately apparent that the engine was just too much for a 86 inch wheelbased car, especially when during it's second pass when I got to see the underside of the Tiger as it switched lanes and ended up off the right side of the track, backwards. When all was said and done it was Nacho Nolasco who won the reaction time bonus with a .501.
Eliminations rocked in all classes starting out with the Dash 4 Cash. And when the smoke cleared it was Sean Cairns of Yo Momma Racing who ended up with the money after running a 9.357 off a 9.30 dial.
Pro class was a battle royale with Pat Muller taking the final over Al Tombaugh. The 3rd place winner was Russel Hudson.
The Pro Motorcycle class was dominated by Walter Andrews who took his Harley Davidson VRod to the winners circle over Capn' Jack Cairns with Doug Quillen taking 3rd.
The Modified class was obviously meant for Chris Bustamante who lasted the field by taking out Nacho Nolasco in the final round with the 3rd place money going to Glen Hamilton in his Chevy powered Mustang.
It was Saturday's Street class winner that was chosen as the recipient of the mini MDI laptop computer. And in the end it was a smiling Bobby Yarborough Jr. standing next to Lightning Computer Systems owner Marc de la Torre for his picture. Sharon Dillon Alba was the class runner up with Javier Estrada taking home third.
On a side note, low et and top speed of the meet honors went to Al Tombaugh who posted a 8.36 @ 159.46 mph.
As I had said before it was a very festive atmosphere that evening as the champagne flowed, quite literally, and I'll pleade the fifth as to everything else. Just consider it Vegas night!
On Sunday the weather was much better and it was a very laid back affair with time trials ending early with Ed Almanzar winning the reaction time bonus with his .503 rt.
Eliminations starting slightly earlier than usual with a big announcement from Roger. He told me over the radio to announce that the new sponsor for the right hand lane was no other than Lew Babenco owner of Lew's Vinton Automotive. I made the announcement to cheering racers and spectators.
In the Dash 4 Cash there were some really close passes, but in the end, Brian Schuetta took home the money with his 17.734 pass on a 17.72 dial in and he won it by two thousands of a second over a 14.536 pass of a 14.52 dial. I forgot to write down who made that pass, sorry.
In Pro, Pat Muller won for the second day in a row, but this time it was over Vic Hernandez with Ryan Hunt taking third with his nova which he runs on the IHRA circuit.
Speaking of winning both days, Chris Bustamante (blue nova) once again won Modified for the weekend. Vince Vigil (primer nova) took runner up honors with Glen Hamilton taking third for his second day in a row.

Bion Bell was one heck of a happy camper after winning Pro Motorcycle over the 600cc bike of Adrianne Ames. Third went to Sean Cairnes who was aboard Ron Comeau's bike after Sean broke on his quarter final bye.

As always, Street is neat, especially if your name is Brian Schuetta who took the win over the Hemi Cuda of Denny Dean. Brittny Blakely took third in her PT Cruiser after entering the class after arriving late and not making any time trial passes. The lady was on fire.
The best pass of the day was made by Glen Hamilton who ran a winning 14.480 on a 14.48 dial with a .508 reaction time during the third round of eliminations. Low et and top speed of the meet honors went to Keith Mauldin who ran a 7.99 @ 169 mph!
The next race at Arroyo Seco Raceway will be Sunday June 21st. See you there!

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