John Walls Jr., of Chaparral, was on a mission! All of his lights were in the .50's with the exeception of one round where he cut an "off light" of .521! I wish my worst light was a .521.



Pro - The Final 3! Rodney Ward (Wilcox, AZ) Tony Leyba (El Paso TX) and John Walls (Chaparral, NM). The tri-state finale - TX - NM and AZ! John Walls got the bye, and left Tony to face off against Rodney in the semis.

Rodney Ward



Tony Leyba was on a string of consistant .520 lights throughout the day along with a dead on dial in. Tony Leyba picks up a 3rd place finish early in the season - if he can keep up this kind of performance, watch out pro!



JOHN FORD takes the Mod class!

Ford took out Gabe Favela in the Finals.



Mod - The Final 3! John Ford, Gabe Favela, and the baricuda. Gabe got the bye to the finals!



Javier Estrada of El Paso, took home the money in street class!



The Chevelle had a brake problem right off of the line - the pedal went to the floor! Better at the starting line than finish line!


You know it's not a good thing when the car is being pushed into the trailer during the driver's meeting. I'm sure he'll be back out!





Manny Grado, from Deming, experienced one of the NASTIEST Nitrous backfires I have ever seen! The explosion blew the hood way up into the air, bowed out the fenders, bent up the front end, blew out the firewall aluminum and broke the back lexan! This explosion had so much force it even took out bulbs on the tree! Manny was fine and said his new motor won't need nitrous to go that fast. The car will be going back to Danny's Race Fab for alunimum work and other repairs, while the new small block is being checked out. PIC#3 PIC#4 PIC#5 PIC#6 PIC#7


Mark presented the 2002 Points Champs with thier trohies!

There were some wild burnouts going on! I guess everyone was breaking in their new slicks! Gabe Favela wins this months BURNOUT PIC OF THE RACE! Gabe wins... well he just gets a big picture on the web site!


These guys have to get an honarable mention for these - big ol' smokin burnouts!



email :
robert martin